Cookie policy


This Cookie Notice explains how we use cookies and other similar technologies on (“Websites”) or in our marketing emails (together “Service”). It is designed to assist you in making informed decisions when using our Service. Please take a moment to read and understand this Cookie Notice. This Cookie Notice should also be read in conjunction with our Privacy Notice and our Terms of Purchase 


Cookies are text files containing small amounts of information which are downloaded to your browser and accessed by the website operator or third parties when you visit the Site or another website that recognises the cookie.

Cookies do lots of different jobs, like letting you navigate between pages efficiently, remembering your preferences, and generally improving the user experience. When you visit a website, the website will request to store cookies on your device in order to remember information about you, such as your language preference or login information. Other information gathered through cookies may include the date and time of visits and how you are using the Service 

We also use similar technologies to cookies known as web beacons, pixels or tags. These technologies do a similar job to cookies, allowing website operators to count page views and understand how visitors interact with and respond to certain content on our Service.

For the purposes of the remaining sections of this Cookie Notice, we refer to all cookies and similar technologies using the above features as “cookies”.

Some cookies are set by us to collection information about you – these are called first party cookies. We also use third party cookies, which are set by third parties and information about you collected by those cookies will be shared with the relevant third party. Please refer to the relevant third party’s privacy notice for more details about the information they collect and how they use it.

Please note that our Service may link to third party websites which are not operated by us. Where you follow links from our Service to the website of a third party, that website may place different cookies on your device. You should check the relevant privacy notice and/or cookie notice for more information about how that third party uses cookies.

You should be aware that applications you use to access our Service such as your website browser, may also place cookies on your device when visiting our Service, or other websites. An example of this would be where you sign in to Google Chrome using a Google Account (see Section 6 below). We do not have control over these third party cookies, so you will need to manage these cookies in the settings of the relevant applications. 

For more information on cookies and similar technologies, please visit All About Cookies.


All cookies have expiration dates that determine how long they stay in your browser 

Session Cookies – these are temporary cookies that are placed on your device during your browsing session and then expire (and are automatically erased) whenever you close your browser.

Persistent Cookies – these are designed to last for a pre-defined period of time, which varies depending on the nature of the cookie. Persistent cookies stay in your browser until they reach their individual expiry date, or until you manually delete them (see Section 5 below).


We use the following types of cookies:

Essential Cookies – Essential cookies are those cookies which a website could not operate without. Essential cookies include cookies such as login cookies and shopping cart cookies.

Functionality Cookies –These cookies recognise you when you return to a website, remember your preferences and provide enhanced, more personalised features.

Security, site and product integrity Cookies – These cookies help keep your account, data and the Site safe and secure. Such cookies can help us identify and impose additional security measures when someone may be attempting to access a Site account without authorisation, for instance, by rapidly guessing different passwords. These cookies also store information that allows us to recover your account in the event you have forgotten your password or to require additional authorisation if you tell us your account has been hacked 

Analytics/Performance Cookies –Analytics cookies, along with other information, allow websites to calculate the aggregate number of people using a website and which features of a website are most popular. This information is generally used to improve the website and the way visitors are able to move around it.

For more information about the types of cookies we use on our Service and the purposes for which they are used, please see The cookies Squarespace uses – Squarespace Help Center


Non-essential Cookies – We may only store and access non-essential cookies on your device with your permission. You are not obliged to give consent to our use of non-essential cookies. If you do give your consent and then change your mind, you can block or delete them (see Section 5 below).

Essential Cookies – Please note that we do not need your consent to store and access essential cookies on your device, although you can still block or delete them (see Section 5 below) 


There are various ways that you can manage your cookie preferences, but please be aware that in order to use some parts of our Site you will need to allow certain essential or functional cookies. If you block or subsequently delete those cookies, some aspects of our Site may not work properly, and you may not be able to access all or part of our Site.

Using your cookie banner

You can reject non-essential cookies via the cookie banner when you enter our Websites.

Using your browser settings or other tools

You can block the use of cookies generally (not just in respect of our Site) by activating the relevant settings in your browser. For more information on cookie management and blocking or deleting cookies for a wide variety of browsers, visit All About Cookies.

Further, if you do not want to be tracked by Google Analytics, you can install the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on (but this will only work on certain browsers). For further information on Google Analytics and its use of cookies, please consult the Google Analytics cookie policy.


Separately to our use of Google Analytics cookies, when you access the Site via Google applications such as Google Chrome, Google may collect user information for the purpose of Google serving personalised advertising across your devices. Google is able to place these advertising cookies on the devices used by visitors to the Site because we use Google services to run the Site. However these cookies are dropped for Google’s own purposes and as such we do not have any control over how or when they are dropped. You will need to opt out of receiving these cookies via your Google settings. For further information about these cookies please see: How Google uses cookies. Please note that other browsers may use similar tools.


Please note that any emails you receive from us may contain cookies to help us to see if recipients have opened an email and understand how recipients have interacted with it. Once you click on an email that contains a cookie, your contact information may subsequently be cross-referenced to the source email and/or the relevant cookie. If you have enabled images, cookies may be set on your computer or mobile device. Cookies will also be set if you click on any link within the email.

If you do not wish to accept cookies from any one of our emails, simply close the email before downloading any images or clicking on any links. You can also set your browser to restrict cookies or to reject them entirely. These settings will apply to all cookies whether included on websites or in emails.

In some instances, depending on your email or browser settings, cookies in an email may be automatically accepted (for example, when you have added an email address to your address book or safe senders list). Please refer to your email browser or device instructions for more information on this.


We may update our Cookie Notice from time to time. This might be for a number of reasons, such as to reflect a change in the law or to accommodate a change in our business practices and the way we use cookies. We recommend that you check here periodically for any changes to our Cookie Notice.


If you have any questions or feedback on our Cookie Notice, please contact us by email at email us at